‘Gaea Seychelles’ – A Not-For-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization
Gaea (Gaia) means ‘Mother Earth’ in the Ancient Greek language. Gaea is a goddess that represents nature, creation, motherhood, fertility and destruction. She embodies the bounty of the Earth.
Considering the very nature of Mother Earth, Gaea Seychelles hopes to promote civic engagement and collective actions for environmental conservation and management, inspiring and empowering local actors to become change makers within their communities to make a difference where it matters.
Gaea Seychelles is a research and citizen science-based organization launched in 2018. Its mission is to empower and mobilize actions by local actors to undertake impactful environmental community-based projects which significant and sustained change for the betterment of people’s lives and their environment.
Our Mission
The mission of the Association is to empower and mobilize actions by local actors to undertake impactful environmental community-based projects which creates significant and sustained change for the betterment of people’s lives and their environment.
Our Objectives
Research on environmental conservation and management for informed decision-making by relevant stakeholders and or authorities, and to support evidence-based management practices.
Capacity Building and Training for sustainability of environmental community-based projects/programmes. This means strengthening the ability of local actors to manage and take ownership of their own environmental Issues with a view to promote sustainability for conservation of their environment which brings about real improvements in people’s lives.
Transformative Learning, Community Engagement and Outreach to create lifelong learning leading to behavioural change in people’s attitude towards their environment for positive impacts on people’s lives.
Scientific and technical advisory support on environmental conservation and management issues to environmental organisations, community groups and other institutions or individuals involved in conservation and natural resource management.